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Friday, May 3, 2024

Where to buy an orange jumpsuit worker uniform

I want to buy an orange jumpsuit work uniform, the kind that different types of employees wear, sometimes with reflective patches sewn onto them (which I don’t want). Any thoughts on where to get that?

Google search turned up a promising set of shops I’ll probably end up visiting, in an area just a little North-West of Chinatown, so I guess a bit beyond the Old Siam shopping complex area. That’s just out of the way for pretty much everyone. It might be worth a try to check out the Bobae market, which I never go to, and at least I could get my kids elephant pants if it doesn’t work out.

The background doesn’t matter but it’s a story: my son happens to look a little like Goku, even with the crazy hair that naturally heads in different directions, and he might use that as a Halloween costume later this year. My kids have been attending school back in the states for the past year (long story), where they do Halloween, but I’m back in Bangkok now, so I can look around here.

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