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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What’s That Strange Green Glow in the Gulf of Thailand? | The Weather Channel – Articles from The Weather Channel

(ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility)
  • A December 2017 photo from the ISS shows green lights in the waters off Thailand.
  • Each green dot pictured is a fishing boat, using bright green lights to attract and catch squid.

From International Space Station, everything looks a little bit different and in many cases, more beautiful. Being 254 miles above Earth offers a different perspective of things we see in everyday life. 

In the December 2017 photo above, a photo taken from the ISS shows not only Bangkok, Thailand’s largest city made up of 9 million people, and Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s largest city with some 1.5 million people, but also a unique view of the fishing industry.

Each green dot you see in the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea is a fishing vessel, casting a bright green light on the boat to attract plankton and fish in the area. Both are the meal of choice for…

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