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Saturday, May 18, 2024

What To Do If You Are Having a Dispute in Thailand With Another Person, Organization, or Business

Here at The Pattaya News we often get e-mails and messages asking us to get involved or investigate often complex disputes between individuals, businesses, or even government organizations and law enforcement.

These stories are often difficult to run and publish in Thailand, partially due to Thailand’s extremely strict libel and slander laws which make “name and shaming” style reporting, common in the West, nearly impossible to do in Thailand. Unlike many western countries, the press is not exempt from these laws. Additionally, we are a small news company and don’t have the resources or staff to properly get involved in extensive disputes and investigative journalism.

That being said, there are some good options that can be taken in disputes like these. We CAN run stories on disputes but it requires proper legal steps to be taken or the proper authorities and organizations contacted and making statements about the situation. It almost always requires a lawyer speaking on your behalf.

If the matter is criminal, it’s essential a police report is filed, sooner than later. No, police may choose not to get involved or investigate but having a record of the attempt to involve them is critical.

Thailand has a variety of organizations to assist in problems but the bureaucratic nature of them can make them intimidating to many foreigners. Having a lawyer or legal consultation is absolutely critical here, especially to possibly avoid being sued for slander or defamation yourself. Do not fall into the trap of making accusations or name and shaming the other party online or in public. Even if the statements you make are completely true, this can work against you and leave you open to litigation.

We work with and suggest Isaan Lawyers for your legal needs and any disputes that may have escalated or are escalating to a legal level in Thailand. At the very least, they can listen to what your particular dispute or issue is and give honest advice on what the next steps should be. We cannot stress enough how important involving a lawyer in a dispute is here, especially as the court system in Thailand is substantially different from western legal systems many readers are used to.

Click or tap here to learn more about Isaan Lawyers and visit them. They are available for consultations across Thailand, not just in Pattaya. Don’t let your situation continue to cause you undue stress and problems, reach out today!

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