31.1 C
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Vaccine conundrum

Despite shortages of vaccines and people struggling to get access as they look forward to resuming normal life, not everyone is eager to get vaccinated.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, many of us have seen at least one person, whether it’s a family member, friend, or relative, who choose to continue living in the midst of an outbreak without getting vaccinated. These people usually keep the decision to themselves and get offended or upset when they’re asked if they plan to get vaccinated.

Why are some people more afraid of getting vaccinated than catching Covid-19? It’s a question one may ask but anti-vaxxers are not ignorant. They’re a diverse group who have many reasons to avoid getting vaccinated. They include adults and the elderly who are concerned that vaccines aren’t safe or that potential side effects aren’t worth the risk. Some think…

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