If anyone listens to the song of a “whale”, they will find it both eerie and fascinating. The sound of a whale is one of the most mysterious sounds. recently A research team led by biologists from the University of Southern Denmark identified the toothless baleen whale. But it has thick bristles to filter food to eat. Can sing underwater

Researchers revealed that while toothed whales like dolphins and killer whales The organ in the nose has evolved to produce sound. But it is thought that baleen whales use their larynx in their throats to produce sound. The larynx of baleen whales is shaped differently from other mammals. Baleen whales have long, hard, cylindrical cartilage shaped like a “U.” These structural adaptations help them to survive. Breathe in and out a great deal of air when rising to the surface. Air sacs have also evolved in ways that may allow baleen whales to reuse air. along with the singing voice It also has a special structure, a layer of fat that vibrates when air is forced out of the lungs. This allows baleen whales to make low-frequency sounds underwater to communicate over long distances.

The study also found that baleen whales only emit low-frequency sounds from the surface to a maximum depth of about 100 meters because they cannot get very far from the ocean surface. It needs air to scream. This has a maximum sound frequency of 300 hertz. This depth and frequency overlaps with the sounds produced by man-made ships and often ranges from 30 to 300 hertz near the ocean surface. Researchers say unlocking the way whales vocalize could help better understand how man-made noise pollution at sea affects the giant sea creatures.