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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Twitter has released an updated ‘Agency Playbook’ as a guide for marketers who want to advertise on Twitter.

Good news for marketers who want to run advertising campaigns on Twitter. Twitter has updated its Agency Playbook to enable marketers and brands to create campaigns more efficiently.

An update to the Agency Playbook from its first release in 2019, this new update will include a range of statistical features to provide brands with insights into behavioral changes. The total content has 41 pages, which marketers must sign up via email. to be able to view all content

Examples of content that marketers will know are: It’s an in-depth look at the people who use the platform, what the majority of users are looking for on Twitter, and what is the average age of the majority of users. So that brands can communicate the issues in a direct way. Users are more open to following brands, with 79% of users choosing to follow brands that interest them because they want to connect. Stay informed and keep up-to-date on promotions and merchandise on Twitter.

There is a competition for hashtags to get users to reach that brand. It must be admitted that in the past year There are new hashtags There’s a lot going on on Twitter, but I don’t want brands to focus solely on the hashtag format. But want to try to use many types, such as doing CTA or Call to Action in text means sending a reply to the customer must have ‘ tone Impressive Even if it is ‘ print ‘ reply to customers timing Maintaining a proper tone of speech It’s also important.

Twitter also recommends at least 2-3 Tweets per day for regular posts and 3-5 tweets per week for paid campaigns. And should maintain content updates regularly. But you don’t have to tweet every hour. or reply to every post that is not related to business Just maintain a good relationship between your customers and your brand for a positive image that you care about their needs.

However, the Playbook contains a collection of case studies. Templates for marketers to practice creating content or ad formats. Including an example of a calendar schedule that should be done as a guideline for marketers


Source: twitter, Guidebook

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