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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Traveling to Chiang Mai for the first time. Any advice, tips, or recommendations to experience the local culture and learn more about the expat/retiree life there?

Hi everyone,

I will be traveling with my wife to Chiang Mai this December for the first time. I have booked the airline tickets but haven’t secured lodging. It is a one-week trip, and our goal is to do some sightseeing, but really to get an idea of what it is like to live there as an expat or retiree. When we travel, we usually like to avoid the tourist traps unless it is a must-see. We actually prefer to experience and learn about the local culture and interact with the locals.

I am looking at staying in the Nimmanhaemin area because, apparently, that’s where most of the expats and retirees are. So, are there places you recommend to stay or avoid? Which areas or places would you recommend us to visit or do to experience the local life and culture (restaurants, markets)? Best way to get around? I am doing research on the Internet but tips, guidance, and recommendations from the locals are much appreciated and welcome. Are there agencies, services, or groups that will guide or help people retire there? Or should I avoid those? I won’t be retiring anytime soon, but I want to learn as much as possible.


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