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Thursday, May 2, 2024

To tip or not to tip: Tipping etiquette guide

You’re under no obligation to tip in Thailand but here are some guidelines:

Check your receipt:
If you see a charge for “service charge” , the restaurant has included a tip in the final total of your bill.

Don’t leave less than 10B in tip when you receive your change:

Coins can be annoying but trust that Thais are just as annoyed by carrying them as you are. If you really would like to get rid of your coins try and not to leave less than at least 10B and it should be a 10B coin and not 10x1B coins. NEVER leave a 1B coin as a tip, it’s disrespectful and you may as well not leave a tip at all.

If you do tip be generous!:
2-3 USD , euro may not be a lot to you. But to a young Thai worker , that’s a meal in their neighborhood etc. So try and be generous when possible. It makes tourist look good and if the service is good (which it mostly is) reward the workers. Remember the value of money to those who live here.

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