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Friday, May 3, 2024

Tiktok and the opening of Family Pairing, measures to prevent access to children

TikTok, the hottest short video platform of the era With a host of creative tools and features that help users edit videos. Add effects and sound effects. To fulfill the imagination to stand out for the creation of various forms of content

TikTok is a platform that recognizes the importance of developing safety standards while creating a positive environment for its users. One of TikTok’s user groups is children and youth. As a result, through the year 2020, TikTok has continuously raised the standard of safety on its platform through the introduction of various security features.

And updates Community guidelines or Community Guideline To be consistent with the current situation And it achieves the ultimate goal of ensuring the platform’s users, especially to make parents feel trust and confident in their children’s use of TikTok.

By the beginning of the year, TikTok launched Family Pairing or Parental guidance mode To help connect the platform between the parent’s account and the child’s account To allow parents to access various security settings They can be easily and easily controlled, such as controlling the duration of the platform (Screen Time Management), limiting the display of content that may be inappropriate for the viewer (Restricted Mode), and restricting people to send messages to or mute receiving messages (Direct Message)

Recently, TikTok has raised the standard of security on its platform to the next level by adding new features to its mode. Family Pairing or Parental guidance mode To help support parents to manage their children’s use of the platform in a more comprehensive and intimate way. Which consists of

  • Search (Search): Parents can set up their child’s search preferences for content, users, hashtags and sounds.
  • Comments (Comments): Parents can set that Who can come in and comment on the video? Which will choose to allow everyone to express their opinions Or choose only those who accept as friends Or may be set not to allow more people to express their opinions
  • Searching and viewing content in your account (Discoverability): Parents can set privacy settings for their child’s account or who can access or view their content. You can also set it to public so that anyone can find and view the content.
  • Favorite video (Liked videos): Parents can determine whether Who will be able to see the videos your child has liked? Or you can like

And on top of that, TikTok has 10 tips for parents today to help you confidently and safely supervise your child’s use of the platform.

  1. Enable parental guidance mode (Family Pairing): TikTok was originally developed for users aged 13 and over, and the App Store lists TikTok as a 12+ category. This will allow you to control your child’s use of the platform from their mobile device, according to Google. And it’s set by Apple, where certain apps will be blocked from underage children’s devices. For more information about setting up parental controls (or “restrictions”) and how to enable them, visit iOS or Android
  2. Privacy settings for your child’s account (Private): By default, TikTok user accounts are automatically set to Public, but you can easily change this setting to private. Through the privacy and security settings page Personal account It means that you can approve or deny a follow request from anyone. And only the users that you allow to be followers can see your content. You can learn more about setting up a personal account.Here
  3. Choose who can follow your child’s account: Even if your child has the account set up as private. He’s also able to choose who to allow to follow his account. By removing followers from the account or blocking other users who User blocking This will prevent them from communicating, interacting or watching your child’s content.
  4. Restrict the content your child can see: If your child sees a video that doesn’t interest them He can press and immerse the video screen and Select “Not interested” Yes, and next, his feed will show less videos with that genre of content. In the user account selection Restricted Mode (Restricting potentially inappropriate content) As an option to help Restrict the display of content that may not be appropriate for audiences of all ages. You can modify this potentially explicit content restriction setting at any time. In case you want to be deactivated in case your child grows But in the meantime You can also set it up with a password for further control.
  5. Control how your child’s video comments: Whether your child set up a private or public user account. He can determine who he wants. Or only people who follow Or doesn’t want anyone to comment on his videos We repeat once again that Settings can be done on a user account or only for individual videos. And even if your child is open to people to express their opinions He is able to control every detail. By enabling the filter to filter the comments and set any keyword or word. That is not desirable And if these words appear in any comments About his video It will be blocked automatically. Find out more about commenting controls.Here
  6. Set up your child’s messaging: Texting is a great way to share creativity with other users, but on TikTok, only your teenage followers can. Send them a direct message. Is your child able to unsubscribe or block users to make it harder for them to send direct messages to them? Turn off messaging All by going into privacy settings
  7. Limit view (Duet) of your child: Duet may be another way to have fun creating videos with other creators. But your child will have the right to decide if Who can watch et or React with their videos? They can configure the settings. (Preferences) in one user account and let that setting affect all of their videos. Or choose to Turn on or off Duet For some videos
  8. To report content or user accounts that violate the terms: TikTok is a creative community. We value each other’s support and optimism. We have identified such details in Community Guidelines If your teenage children see anything they believe violates these guidelines, they Can report to us directly from within the app. About the content or user account Our community has helped to keep TikTok a place for unique and creative content while helping to report it to people in the community when they find any misuse of the platform. Including spam Or anything else that is not in accordance with our community guidelines.
  9. Limit the time your child’s use of the platform: Set your child’s viewing time limit It helps to control the time your child spends on the platform each day. This feature as part of our Digital Wellbeing can be set through a password. And can set multiple time periods At most 2 hours, you can also control your children’s platform usage time directly on your mobile device via Parental guidance mode (Family Pairing)
  10. Create content with children: TikTok is a fun and easy to use platform, you will join. Trend That is becoming famous Or have fun with Moments of daily life Would have been able to create fun content With your teenage child, it’s a way for you to get involved in their life and learn about the interests they have.

For parents looking to learn more about online safety, TikTok has created a number of resources, including: Youth Portal, Parents Page, Educational Safety Videos And more, TikTok will continue to move forward in creating a platform for maximum community safety. Especially safety for children and young people. And will not rest in the development of technology teams and policies To the highest safety standards for our users


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