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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Zeigarnik Effect People tend to remember the ‘unfinished’ things more than the ‘done’ things.

The Zeigarnik Effect or Zeigarnik Effect is a term used to describe the phenomenon that people tend to remember things. unfinished or unfinished More than what has already been done

Many of you have probably encountered the Zeganic Effect. Think back to a time when we were stuck on something. hang on some story That story will always circulate in our heads. Not disappearing from your head The only way to remove it is to go back and finish it.

The Zeigarnik Effect The term comes from a psychologist named Bluma Zeigarnik who discovered it while eating. By noticing the staff in the restaurant that they are better able to remember the food items at the table that have not been completed or have not paid. Tables that are fully served or paid Then the test results came out as expected.

the reason for that Because our subconscious brain helps remind us of that. That thing may seem small, but it has a huge impact on us because this work takes up quite a bit of brain power. causing us not to focus on other tasks It’s best to get it done quickly or write it down as a to-do list to fool your brain that you’ve already done it.

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