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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Thailandese people, how is the Muay Thai in your country today?

I always loved this martial art and I practice it all my life, then I had the opportunity to talk to a fighter who went to Thailand during the early 00s and I realized that what i was practicing in fact in Brazil wasn’t real muay thai, it was pretty much a soft version of the muay thai.

This fighter told me that Thailand was crazy when it comes to martial arts, like the fighters were always covered on blood and there was so much blood everywhere due to the elbow attacks mainly (here in Brazil at least where I learn the art we did not use elbows). He said they would not even clean the fight ring as there were many fights and cleaning would be useless.

Btw, how is it now? is there anywhere I can see some it? and how do the modern Thailandese society see this sort of thing? isn’t it too violent? I’d like to know not only what is the view of the thailandese society but also your opinions on this matter, I’m asking for educational purposes as I do study this area.


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