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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thailand Tourist Visa Application: Return Ticket vs. Proof of Onward Travel

Greetings, fellow travelers!

As an Indian citizen preparing to apply for a Thailand Tourist Visa, I have some questions about the visa requirements, particularly regarding the return ticket and proof of onward travel. The thing is, I’m uncertain about my return date, which makes the return ticket a bit challenging for me. I’ve seen that the Royal Thai Embassy’s checklist requires a return ticket, but I wonder if proof of onward travel could be a suitable alternative. If any of you have successfully obtained a visa using proof of onward travel or have other workable options, I’d love to hear your suggestions and experiences!

Since I want to ensure a smooth visa application process, any insights or personal tips you can share would be incredibly helpful and appreciated. Thank you all in advance for your kind assistance, and happy travels to everyone!

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