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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Thailand sees second day of record-high virus deaths


Why Won’t The U.S. Lift COVID Vaccine Patents To Help Other Countries?

The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over — and not just here in the U.S., but worldwide. In India, a deadly second wave of COVID-19 infections is devastating the country and overwhelming its hospitals. To date, more than 200,000 people in India have reportedly died — a number that is likely to be much higher — and as many as 300,000 Indians are contracting the virus every day. Hospitals are running out of beds and oxygen. And now, in an attempt to keep up with burial rituals, parks and other empty spaces are being utilized for cremations. In response, the U.S. — as well as other countries, including the U.K., France, Ireland, Germany, and Australia — have started to send India medical equipment, including oxygen compression tanks, personal protective equipment, and ventilators. After speaking to…

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