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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Thailand News Today | Bangkok Police crack down on ‘Gentleman’s clubs”

The five boating buddies of the Thai actress Tangmo should take lie detector tests — again. That’s the recommendation of Senator Somchai, head of the Standing Committee on Human Rights, Rights, Liberties and Consumer Protection.


He made the statement to the media after a meeting on Monday, in which he heard reports from the police and forensics pathologists involved in the ongoing investigation.

Somchai recommended the polygraph tests because the witnesses have made conflicting statements to police and the case has seen very little progress, after nearly a month of investigation, while the media circus surrounding them plays on.

The senator said he also suspects that the five boat buddies might have received coaching from someone before they received police questioning. And he suggested that the police try to locate the actress’ skirt, saying it might provide an…

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