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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thai Health Department warns that trendy “squid shots” can cause food poisoning

Live squid dumped in a shot glass with a spicy Thai sauce, and then consumed while the squid is still squirming, has been a new food trend in Thailand, with many sharing the phenomenon on TikTok and other social media outlets. But the director of the country’s Department of Health is warning people that the so-called “squid shots” could be dangerous.

Here’s how it’s made. In a shot glass with a spicy and sour chilli sauce, a live squid is dumped in. Some people leave the squid in the sauce for a few minutes, while it attempts to swim, soaking in the spices. Others will dump it for a quick dip and eat it immediately. If the squid is small enough, some people eat it whole. (See video below)

The Director of the Department of Health, Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai, says raw squid can contain the vibrio parahaemolyticus, a bacteria found in marine environments which can lead…

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