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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Teen turmoil: Thai-British boy’s distressing bullying encounter in UK unleashes a storm of online fury

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod

A shocking incident involving a 12 year old Thai-British boy has sparked outrage online. The boy was physically assaulted by a 17 year old student at a school in the UK. An initial report has been filed as the community rallies against such bullying, which can have long-lasting impacts on young lives.

The incident was brought to light by an online user, who shared a video of the altercation between the young boy and the teenager in the school. The victim is a 12 year old boy of Thai-British descent, who was physically mistreated by an older student.

The video clip showed the older boy attacking the younger one, who despite his size difference, fought back bravely. The young boy was even tripped by another individual in the room, making it easier for the bullies to take advantage. The school requested the removal of the video after it went viral, but the…

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