32.4 C
Friday, May 3, 2024

Some random questions involving electricity, Starlink and chickens

Hi, relocating to Chiang Mai soon on the LTR visa. My work requires me to have a high degree of predictability of being available online.

I’ve heard some places (maybe house & neighborhood dependent?) have issues with power outages occasionally. Is this a real concern or just exaggerated online?

Could a potential solution be a generator (or battery backup) + Starlink? Curious to hear what others think who have been working online here for a while in a full time type role where you have set working hours.

Also, super random, but would most landlords care, assuming I’m in a house with a sizable yard, if I had a few egg-laying chickens for personal use? Do moo baans have rules around this stuff, like an HOA in the west?

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