38.9 C
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Scammed on Soi Cowboy

In Bangkok for a night and went over to Soi Cowboy for the first time. Walked in to Deja Vu and immediately had several girls around me asking for shots. I stayed about a half hour and got two rounds (6 shots and two beers total.)

The women started getting pretty aggressive trying to get me into a back room, so I decided to leave. The older woman / cashier comes up with a check for 8000 baht, listing TWENTY ONE shots.

When I said how ridiculous it was a security guard came and they strong armed me into paying, basically saying if I didn’t they would call the cops. Wasn’t getting anywhere in the conversation / didn’t think it was worth it, so I coughed up the 8000 baht and just walked away.

What the fuck? Obviously you expect to to be scammed A BIT when going to places like that but adding 15 drinks to a tab, and charging someone 8000 baht for half an hour and 6 drinks? I’m still in disbelief.

This is more of a rant as I obviously consider it a loss, i just wish I could report them or at least try and prevent other visitors from getting scammed by Deja Vu.

Would love to hear your thoughts.

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