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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Rival tribes in Papua New Guinea shoot at each other, killing 55 people in the bloodiest attack in years.

Rival tribes in the Highlands remote areas of Papua New Guinea The shootings left 55 people dead, making it the bloodiest incident in the past several years.

The BBC news agency reported on Sunday, February 18, 2024, citing a disclosure from a spokesman for the National Police Office of Papua New Guinea that there was a shooting incident that left as many as 55 people dead in Enga Province. in the Highlands where violence often occurs on a regular basis

The spokesperson further stated that The shooting occurred while two rival tribes were arguing with each other. By now, the police have gone to the scene of the incident. But there isn't enough information to tell. What were the events that led to the bloodshed?

Mr. George Kacas, Acting Local Police Superintendent told the ABC that the incident was the bloodiest incident he had ever witnessed in Engaa province. Or maybe the entire Highlands region. “We are all grieving. We are all very stressed. It's really hard to understand.”

The violence between tribes in Papua New Guinea Most of which are caused by the division of land and valuables. It erupted last year. As a result, Enga Province was locked down for 3 months. Police had to use curfew measures and travel restrictions to control the violent situation.


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