39.3 C
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Re: Wait what about Thai people???

Hi all,

This is a follow up to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bangkok/comments/11vh9n9/wait_what_about_thai_people/) that was discussing the language we had used within the sub reddit’s description.

I’d like to thank u/Patimation_tordios u/coconutinacap u/asked2manyquestions and many others that participated in that thread. We (the moderators) have read all the comments and discussed together. We concluded that in regards to the main point being raised about the wording on the sub reddit description we can see how it could be misinterpreted. It’s not our intention for anyone to feel excluded from the sub. We will change the sub reddit description to be more clear. There is a limit of 500 characters on the description so we can not put a huge amount of text in there.

Here is the original description for reference with the problem text bolded for context..

>Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. **This sub-reddit is for foreigners living in Bangkok first and foremost** as well as any Bangkok related content. It was setup like this over 14 years ago when there was no other place for foreigners to discuss living here that was not toxic.
>There is now a large Thai speaking community at /r/thaithai if you would prefer more Thai language related content.
>I hope you enjoy the sub and please remember to talk to people nicely and try to be there for each other.

We have changed the description as follows…

>This sub-reddit is an english language friendly discussion forum focusing on life for foreigners living in Bangkok, as well as any other Bangkok related content.
>If you are looking for a large Thai only speaking community we recommend /r/thaithai
>Hope you enjoy the sub. Please read the rules, remember to talk to people nicely, and try to be there for each other.

We’re hoping that this description fits better with the sub, if you have any feedback please put it in this thread for us to review. Happy songkran everyone.

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