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Rabbit Digital Group rebrands to Rabbit’s Tail, hoping to reinforce the agency’s work that is not limited to the digital world.

Rabbit Digital Group (RDG) One-stop digital creative service agency Organize a big new army on the concept Creativity X Technology to provide a broader experience for customers at every touchpoint

throughout Brand Experience until Customer Experience and create personalized, in-depth experiences (Personalized) under the original name Rabbit’s Tale official with a new identity that reflects one’s self from the inside out step towards becoming Experience Agency forefront of the industry

Mr. Sunat Thanasarnaksorn, Chief Executive Officer of Rabbit’s Tale, said about the origin of this rebranding. Today, new technologies A lot has happened, whether Customer Data Platform, Marketing Automation, Marketing Cloud, AI, Blockchain and Metaverse. that comes to disrupt many industries

Not even the marketing communication industry. The agency itself has to adapt to accommodate this change, and over the past 10 years of service, RDG has focused on using creativity as a guide to produce products. But now must be coordinated with new technologies. to create a more relevant customer experience

“With the power and ability of the new generation who are ready to Break the Norm, Build the Tale So we decided to do a big rebranding. to step into the future before others Combine the capabilities of various Business Groups to create a unity. and reflecting more about ourselves Therefore, we have transitioned from Rabbit Digital Group to Rabbit’s Tale as an Experience Agency that will create the best experience in every dimension for both brands and consumers,” said Mr. Sunat.

For this rebranding, Rabbit’s Tale also introduced a new logo and corporate identity, reflecting Inspiration, Innovation, Creativity, Energy and Wisdom, which are at the heart of every Rabbit’s work and team. with a new organizational structure and directory Amalgamated subsidiaries into 4 Business Groups according to the services offered and the expertise of the organization as follows:

  • Advertising Business Group or Rabbit’s Tale AD Advertising Business Group offers comprehensive, fresh, comprehensive branding and marketing communications that combine data, creativity and technology to create a seamless brand experience for brands and consumers.
  • Branding and Marketing Solutions creative advertising Establish brand and brand strategy
  • Social Media Management to take care of various online platforms of the brand, including creating identity, content, as well as taking care of various online communities
  • Performance Marketing that helps support media management and media purchases in various channels

Rabbit’s Tale Advertising Business Group also has a production and animation team ready to produce innovative titles for the industry.

Public Relations Business Group (Rabbit’s Tale PR) is a hybrid public relations service that continues to deliver effective PR. Along with creating a new PR in the digital world through Creative Content to create the most detailed and relevant Brand Experience.

Rabbit’s Tale PR There are also Crisis Management, Social Media Management, Influencer Management services to build and maintain brand reputation for customers. Not only that, in 2022 Rabbit’s Tale PR will also open a Knowledge Center, a PR knowledge center in the digital age for organizations and interested parties. as a source of new knowledge updates that applies to all organizational frameworks

Data and Interactive Business Group or Rabbit’s Tale DI Emphasis is placed on creating End-to-End Experiences for both brands and consumers in terms of sales, service and building relationships after sales.

Rabbit’s Tale DI As a brand partner, it helps to create Develop and deliver digital experiences that are tangible and visible. Rabbit’s Tale DI’s core services are Data Services that manage end-to-end data from Data Collection, Transformation, Analysis to Data Activation and Interactive Service.

by developing digital platforms, including Web Technology, Mobile Applications, and API Integration, designed by studying consumer behavior Developed with the right technology, ready to use SEO Marketing as efficiently as possible.

CX Solutions Business Group or Rabbit’s Tale CX is a team of experts in Customer Experience and Enterprise Solutions such as Marketing Technology, Customer Data Platform, Automation to Marketing Cloud Solutions.

By focusing on creating a personalized experience (Personalized Experience) for customers on a large scale, at the level of hundreds of thousands or millions of people or more. including cross channel marketing

In addition to the four main Business Groups, Rabbit’s Tale also has two subsidiaries, The Zero Publishing and Pickle Influencer.

  • The Zero Publishing is a publishing business. new online media Penetrates both mass and niche groups At present, The Zero Publishing has 4 Publishers which are Mango Zero, ThumbsUp, RAiNMAKER and Parents One There are as many as 7 Media Channels. By 2021, all media reach 300 million readers.

There’s also Rabbit Virtual Experience, a full-featured LIVE streaming service. as well as hosting the iCreator Conference, the first and largest content creator seminar in Thailand.

For Pickle Influencer, it is an Influencer Marketing Platform that opens a space for brands and influencers to meet. Influencers can freely choose brands they are interested in. For brands, it’s easier to choose influencers with followers that match their target audience.

Supported by each influencer’s data analytics system, it is possible to create content that is natural, authentic, and accurately reaches the target audience.

“We are an agency that looks at the big picture of business. to devise a strategy to create a long-term experience Drive data and technology to make a difference in this industry With the power of over 180 new generations, creativity and technology we have. All of us at Rabbit’s Tale are ready to partner with the brand. and take you to the destination of the future,” concluded Ms. Sunat.


The post Rabbit Digital Group rebrands to Rabbit’s Tail, hoping to reinforce the agency’s work that is not limited to the digital world. appeared first on Thumbsup.


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