34.1 C
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Police checkpoints for motorbikes – current info?

OK, so I know not to ask about where they are, but was curious as I have an upcoming trip to Chiang Mai, and there seems to be a lot of conflicting information about how police checkpoints and tickets are handled from the pre-covid days. I’m hoping some of you locals might have more current information?

1 – are there still regular checkpoints around the city? I read from a few sources that they were banned around Chiang Mai in 2020, but not sure if they’ve returned with the return of tourism

2 – assuming they’re still around, is the proper way to handle them if I get pulled over (assuming I don’t have appropriately endorsed IDL) to ask for a ticket and pay at the station, or to just immediately pay up?

3 – I read that the police are required to give you a receipt upon payment of the ticket, and that the receipt grants a grace period of sorts so you don’t get another ticket for the same offense immediately. Some sources say the grace period for not having proper IDL is either 3 or 7 days. Anyone know the actual grace period? And do the police actually honor the receipt’s grace period?

Thanks in advance for any insight you may have,

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