37 C
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Pita Limjaroenrat is a charismatic young Harvard grad who wants to be Thailand’s next PM

It is the kind of rockstar reception an Australian politician could only dream of, but for Pita Limjaroenrat, it’s a daily reality right now.

As the 42-year-old stands on the back of a ute parked at a busy Bangkok market and spruiks his Move Forward party’s policies, fans feverishly snap photos from their phones, scream his name, and hand him flowers.

“I love him and want to hug him!” one supporter shouts as the Thai prime ministerial candidate comes into view.

“He is the future,” another adds.

“I heard he was coming, so I made my son drive me here right away!” a third person says.

“I truly believe in him.”

The ute rolls slowly around the neighbourhood, with motorbike riders pulling alongside it for Mr Pita’s autograph.

Cars and trucks toot their horns, and a group of teenagers run excitedly along the footpath waving and trying to keep up.

Thailand heads to the polls for a general election this Sunday and if the opinion polls are to be believed, Mr Pita is at the top of the list for preferred prime minster.

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