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Friday, May 3, 2024

Non-Immigrant VISA before I can get Work Permit, or am I getting “scammed”?

Hello there!

I have recently arrived in Thailand, and expect to stay in this lovely country for upwards of a year, 6 months minimum. I came here to work, although I won’t be working yet, as that won’t start until November (I will work with tourism).

Earlier today, I was talking to my accountant/advisor, and was told that I need to first get a Non-Immigrant VISA for 90 days, before I can get my Work Permit. The Non-Immigrant VISA will cost me 30.000 baht, if my advisor is to deal with the paperwork etc. for me, and the two year Work Permit, I can get done for 18.000 baht (1 year costs 15.000 baht).

Is it true, that I can’t just go from a Tourist VISA to a Work Permit? And also, are these prices common? I understand that I can get the Non-Immigrant VISA done abroad for 10.000 baht, but with traveling abroad, staying there etc. it is going to probably become the same price.

My tourist VISA ends in August, and I wlll pay 1.900 baht to have it extended to count for September as well. Then Oct-Nov-Dec will be covered by the Non-Immigrant VISA.

Can anyone help me out here?

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