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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Need advice on Evisa or actual Visa for my Venezuelan Wife.

Hello, fellow Redditors,

I hope you’re all doing well. I’m reaching out today for some advice and insights on a visa situation that my wife and I are currently navigating. Here’s a bit of background:

I am a US citizen, and I’m under the impression that I should have no problem getting a visa on arrival when traveling. Please correct me if I’m wrong on this.

On the other hand, my wife, who is a Venezuelan citizen, is residing in Colombia. Her status here is not officially recognized as residency, but she does possess documentation indicating her legal presence in the country.

We consulted with a friend of hers who is also Venezuelan and learned that she successfully applied for an E-visa online through the embassy in Spain. Encouraged by this, we decided to follow suit and submitted our application on September 15th. However, we have yet to hear back, and we’re growing a bit concerned about the processing time.

Another option we’ve come across is a company based in Colombia called VSF, which allows us to mail her passport to them. They, in turn, send it to Peru, and we’re hopeful to get it back within 30 days.

Here are our questions:

1. Should we wait to hear back from the E-visa application, or would it be advisable to apply locally in Colombia through an authorized service provider like VSF?
2. Are there any potential issues we should be aware of when it comes to the approval process?

We greatly appreciate any advice, experiences, or insights you can share with us regarding our situation. Your guidance will be incredibly valuable in helping us make the best decisions for our circumstances.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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