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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Medical check-up or blood & urine test on the cheap ?


My bipolar cousin (40M) has been traveling for a year in South-East Asia and is currently staying in Phuket.

He seems to have been sick for at least a month and he has weird and worrying symptoms (“legs burning”, severe limbs pain making it hard to walk, chest pain, etc.).

I already sent him money for a doctor appointment last month in Malaysia but he just ended up getting painkillers. I’m trying to convince him to get a medical check-up done (blood and urine) and then see from there. Thing is, he has almost no money (living off his invalidity pension) and I will probably pay for this. Also, travel insurance is off the table and he has no intentions to come back to his home country (France). Depending on the results of the tests, I might then be able to convince him to fly back home to be treated or hospitalized (for free, as he is French).

Can anyone recommend the cheapest way to get this done in Phuket ? Clinic ? Lab ?

Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.

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