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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Man-Gale shows results, ultrasound announces good news, there will be a bad guy

The wait for a sweet couple
Mangarin and Glreda At last, he announced the good news via Instagram and showed the results of the ultrasound that it was prepared to have an heir or ‘Bitch’, as they both said.

Gail said, “Yeah !!!! Have been waiting for a long time You are here. Everyone, please leave #Khakasri’s sting in the arms as well. Today Sakasri is the most delighted.

On the side that the father came with the caption that “Do not have to hope anymore Today, there will be no more Sarri !!!! Welcome #House’s baddest This person’s perversion is guaranteed to follow. # Our family will be more warm, eh! If I have you, will I love you as usual? ☺️???? # Happy #Srika ChaoSab ❤️ “


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