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Monday, May 6, 2024

Long term stay in Chiang Mai with breaks during the smoky season

Hi Guys, a first-time question here.

I am 52 and looking to retire in 2030. I have in my mind to retire in Chiang Mai and live off Superannuation.

I think initially I would not go on a retirement visa but the Education learning Thai visa and such.

My question about this is that I do not plan on being in the city during the smoky season. I am both someone with allergies and slightly asthmatic. It would not be a fun time. I imagine it to be similar to when we had a month or so of smoke a couple of years ago here in Australia with the bushfires.

I would be doing what I guess many do and going down south for a few months to spare myself the worse of it.

But I am wondering how something like the Education Visa could be accommodated during this time. Could it be organised to be transferred, done online, suspended, or otherwise accommodated on a case-by-case basis OR would this be a deal breaker for the visa?

I imagine on one hand it would be understood that the smoky season is a difficult time for all and it is not conducive to doing education and whatever but at the same time saying “See you later teacher, I will be back in three months” is not particularly helpful from any student.

I do not know what most people normally do. Are they forced to stay, find another visa, re-enroll, come to early accommodations, get ahead on studies, transition to an online curriculum over that time or what exactly?

Any advise welcome.

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