30.5 C
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Legal question regarding insurance.


My father became acutely ill in the end of October. He and I are both from Norway, I live there, but he lives in Thailand, in the Isaan area.

My father has an insurance from one of the biggest insurance companies in the world. He lives in a rural area, and when he got the insurance the person selling the policy wasn’t really good in English. My father thought he was insured for 35000B per day in hospital, as it turns out it was 35000B per SICKNESS(wtf). He pays 56k a year for this insurance.

Luckily we’re from Norway, so our government is helping us financially.

Sorry for the long prestory. My question is;

Is there anything we can do about this insurance?(I’m pissed lol)

I’ve understood any document you sign in Thailand, that you don’t understand, are not legally binding.

Edit: I’ve also been having huge issues with the language barrier at the hospital, I am in Sisaket, for reference.

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