30.9 C
Friday, May 17, 2024

Latest news on norovirus in Phuket?

Hello! We’ll be traveling to Phuket in a few days from up north, staying at a nice resort. I am a little nervous because we leave for the States after being in Phuket for about 3 days, and it would be really bad for several reasons if we couldn’t fly home as scheduled.

I’m seeing things online that the worst of the outbreak is over, but that was from news almost a month ago. Have things gotten significantly better or worse?

If we mostly stay and eat in the resort, does that make it more or less likely for us to catch it?

I know there are no guarantees, but I’m trying to understand if I’m like 50% to come down with it, or 5%. Really appreciate any firsthand accounts from recent travelers! Thanks so much.

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