30.9 C
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Koh tao bike crash

I’m writing this just to raise awareness in koh tao, as i crashed my bike less than 2 hours ago, my bike slipped as i was going uphill, i was on full throttle on a 125cc going less than 10km/h(it is that steep), and i fell into the forest next to the road, the steeps here are very sharp, especially if u live at the remote resorts.
I don’t have a drivers license, but I’ve been driving for a month now, in vietnam, and in thailand too, in some pretty rough conditions and hell of a trafic, so i can say that i got pretty confident with my motorcycle driving skills, but the steeps here are just something else, they take the confidence out of you.
I would advise any tourists that don’t nt have experience to not rent any motorcycle, and if they do, wear protective gear (long pants, helmet, and maybe some gloves)

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