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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Is there a chance for a Foreigner (Asian) to be an actor in Thailand?

hi all!

i know getting in the entertainment industry is extremely hard in pretty much every country. but i was just wondering because this has been in my mind for a while now, is there actually any chance to be a part of the industry even as a non-thai asian? let’s say you can speak thai fluently, understand & truly love the culture- will it be possible?

specifically in the gl industry or gl lakorns, bc that’s what (at least rn) is really popular especially rn with Freenbeck, Englot, etc.

i’m honestly thinking of moving to Thailand and possibly find a job just to be able to attend a bunch of acting workshops and other things that might help me out in the industry? then maybe find an agency afterwards? haha i really don’t know what to do yet. all of this is just a dream for me atm.


thank you all for answering and taking my question seriously :D i appreciate all of your replies, i didn’t expect to get serious answers bc honestly my question does sound really goofy haha. so thanks for being nice abt it <3

i’m a million miles away from this dream, but it’s a dream for a reason. i guess i’m really not dreaming to actually reach it, bc it’s pretty much impossible LOL. honestly just to be able to work in Thailand would already be a dream come true for me.

i hope we all reach our dreams : ) one step at a time!!

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