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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I need to come up with a fake Thai name for a project I’m doing, but Google Translate and ChatGPT are not my friends

Hi everyone! :) Basically, I’m creating this ARG (alternate reality game) and in it, I’m trying to create this Thai person who is essentially the main character. Mainly I need help with the name. I’m trying to come up with a name that would utilize the Thai word for descent; the name would be made by splitting up the word into syllables that could then be used to create a full name (ex: like the word **danger** being used to create the name **dan**iel crimin**ger**). Unfortunately, I do not know a lick of Thai. I’m struggling with two things:

A) I’d like to be able to find a correct translation of the Thai word for descent. I’ve tried a bunch of websites including Google Translate and ChatGPT and they all come up with different answers and

B) I’d like to be able to come up with a realistic name, something that actually sounds believable, if that makes sense.


I’m sorry if it’s a large request but any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

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