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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I ate Burger King’s ‘real cheese burger’ and now must warn you

Bangkok has, once again, a new weird fast food offering designed more for clicks than licks, and today I have returned from the processed cheesy mess to confirm that you must be entirely insane to finish Burger King’s Real Cheese Burger.

If this sounds familiar, I survived its quirky Chocolate Whopper in January, which was also a joke meal. But nothing could prepare me for this cheesy monstrosity. If the Choco Burger was the final boss, this is the super secret final boss to attain the good ending. Except, there was nothing good about it.

So, from the Things-We-Never-Asked-For Department comes Burger King’s latest “I dare you” meal.

What is so authentic about this cheeseburger to be deemed “real?” Without an actual burger, the answer is “nothing.” It consists of just two buns sandwiching 20 slices of American cheese. Yes, you can masticate 20 slices…

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