37.4 C
Sunday, May 5, 2024

How to wash cotton shirts from the markets


It may sound like a strange question but I have been persistently having this issue for years. I have to buy clothes from proper shops now, not buy shirts from market and donate after the first wash…

Basically, every time I buy a shirt at the market, it feels awesome. Light soft fabric, good fit. After wash, the fabric resembles a kitchen towel, and most importantly, it shrinks anything between 10% and 20%. Sometimes I can’t even button the shirt anymore and usually I lose 2-4cm of length.

I am size L, and I tried even buying XXL shirts thinking that they will shrink to the right size, but somehow it’s tailored differently so it’s shrinking in the wrong places and fits very odf after.

Laundries are of course out of question. I always use cold water, I set the spin to a minimum value. I do not let them dry on the sun, always hang on hangers in the room with AC overnight that dries the air and shirts. They still shrink. I also tried to wash it with hands in a sink, in cold water, gently, and even after than I had to get rid of the shirt since it was not usable.

What is the secret? People buy these and wear them all the time, I can not believe I’m the only one having this problem. Yes, I can buy shirts in western shops, but they cost the same as in the west then, and most importantly Thailand just does not have any choice of shops at all, apart of some basic boring Uniqlo or H&M. Markets have some great prints

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