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How Social Media and PR Work Together in 2021

Pew Research Center reveals new data on news consumption behavior on social media platforms in the US. and the meaning of communication

The data reveals that in 2021, compared to 2020, the U.S. is more opted to receive news from social media like Facebook because it has a more reliable source of news, followed by TikTok with increasing consumer numbers. which different population groups Content reliance on platforms is different.

Although the platform can’t filter whether the content is trustworthy or not. But the information that marketers and brands should focus on in communicating are as follows:

Gen X and Gen Y still trust more information on LINE and Facebook.

Because Gen X and Gen Y news consumers still trust news on social media. Therefore, brands need to continue producing news on platforms like Facebook. Youtube and Twitter or presenting campaigns and promotions to this group of people continuously as well

Facebook’s rules must also be followed.

Although Facebook has modified various systems. All the time in terms of using the platform as a medium of communication, playing games or working, as well as accessing their own popular influencers. The same is true if brand executives want to build their presence on social media. Facebook continues to be a good platform and a great way to communicate thought leadership among employees. Including presenting information appropriately and must be continuous.

Use social media to reach the younger crowd as well.

In addition to working and retired adults What brands and marketers should do is communicate on some other platforms, like Snapchat and TikTok, as they are more accessible to the younger and younger generation of consumers. If your brand wants to communicate with its younger audience, these platforms must not be overlooked.

Elections affect consumer habits.

It is another interesting reason and reflects that the new generation and politics are very closely related. COVID-19 epidemic It has become an important reason why people are more interested in checking credible information on social media and “in” with communication through the platform more and more. It is likely that people will not enter the old society after the situation returns to normal. but will change the behavior of living from the original

This is the key moment of The new era of “journalists”

If you ever thought the old mainstream media would still exist Or encourage yourself that the TV media Print media is still a charming and sustainable mainstream medium. Today we would like to tell both brands and marketers that Journalists or publishers need to adapt their ideas and access different platforms. can be full Because brands and marketers will use more budget as a main communication strategy. And it will become the main budget for the next 2-3 years.

The behavior of American media consumers Not much different from Thai media consumers. If marketers and brands choose to adapt and implement their strategies with a clearer outlook and broader outlook, they should know that digital is no longer a constraint on media consumption.

The post How Social Media and PR Work Together in 2021 appeared first on Thumbsup.


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