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Group M reveals six key ways to tackle the new COVID-19 crisis

From mid-December 2020, a new coronavirus outbreak occurred. In many provinces Although this cycle has not been locked down and stopped in economic activities, it still affects the Thai industry in a wide range. Even with lessons from 2020, brands and marketers need to adjust their strategy. Including planning that needs to be adjusted according to the situation properly from the uncertainty that will arise this year.

Group M Thailand (GroupM), a group of media investment management experts at WPP (WPP), in collaboration with affiliates Mindshare, Mediacom, Wavemaker, has concluded the word. Important introduction

Lessons from last year Consumers cannot go out and live normally. Including concerns about safety, therefore turned to relying on online shopping instead It was found that during the epidemic, 89% of consumers spent more time online shopping (GroupM Consumer Eyes) and to survive. Many industries have established their own online marketplace. As a result, the overall ecommerce industry in 2020 has increased 35% (FOCAL 2020 – eCommerce Outlooks).

With this new wave of COVID-19, Thai consumers are already familiar with online shopping. This is an opportunity for brands that have already created an eco system to sell online for themselves to invest more. To build on effective lead generation in this situation. Now, marketers should not look at just one sales platform.

But still need to access new platforms that meet the needs of the selling style that are suitable for their own products This includes finding partners that can expand access to new customers in addition to those who may use the website and sell through the Online Marketplace to other channels such as Social Commerce, collaborating with influencers to generate sales. As well as looking for new channels or new applications That consumers use to shop for specific categories.

Increase investment in channels that reach a specific target audience.

Today, the content that consumers follow is not limited to social media or the web. And consumers are more and more likely to jump back and forth between platforms. Planning to buy media platform by platform the same way. Inability to respond to the reach of consumers and generate interest in a timely manner.

From now on, brands and marketers need to be able to access touchpoints all the time and communicate more in line with their target audience. To make the most of marketing investments, such as using technology like Programmatic that AI analyzes data and fires ads to reach a target audience with the same interests on different platforms. Which offers better and more cost-effective results than a standalone platform.

Prepare to compete in the Data Driven era, choose strategies that guarantee results.

Businesses have lessons learned from the last outbreak. And turn to online platforms more This created fierce competition to separate customers on each platform. The basics of Data Driven Marketing compete with who are better at Data Driven and are not limited to advertising campaigns, but promotions, Performance Marketing and Personalization. Including effective CRM to create opportunities to increase sales.

It is essential for brands and marketers to find a partner who can help them transform data into knowledge that can be advantageous in planning a sales strategy. Because many strategies can be chosen In terms of price, promotion, finding additional customers from a new platform Big brands can also take advantage of Outcome guaranteed media.

Brands must never stop creating Brand Awareness.

Despite the fierce price promotion competition, big brands must not reduce their investment in media to create recognition. Which is an opportunity to reach consumers continuously Including increasing confidence and trust in the long term It also reduces the likelihood of being hijacked by competitors in the price competition. And more intense promotion

For new brands This is a great opportunity to reach home consumers and have more time to receive media, especially offline media like television. Or choosing to use Influencer Marketing to create recognition Including having the opportunity to generate more sales as well

Follow the realtime situation from the government sector

Compared to the first wave of epidemics, government measures now have changed much faster. Including the understanding of consumer technology usage has also increased from last year. For example, we won or half the consumer had access to the right to exercise their rights more quickly and efficiently. When compared with other measures in 2653.

Marketers need to work in Agile fast. And adapt to the opportunities arising from the consumer behavior that may occur quickly.

Always have a plan for unexpected events.

There must be a backup plan for dealing with the unpredictable. It is necessary to have plans for 2, 3 or 4 in case the team must be flexible. Can change according to the situation that arises immediately As well as work together to make the backup plan available to work immediately when needed. This will make it easier to deal with change than having one plan and solve problems on a case-by-case basis.


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