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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Get to know kakeibo, 4 steps for saving like a Japanese housewife.

If anyone has ever watched Japanese cartoons such as Doraemon or Shin-chan, You are probably familiar with the image of Japanese housewives doing housework. Take care of things in the house and includes managing money services within the family

The Japanese housewife’s method of managing money is called kakeibo (家計簿), which means household account book. It is a method of managing money that has been around for over 100 years. The secret of kakebo is to keep a record of income and expenses. ‘Sincerely’ each month in order to improve in the months to come.

Kakebo was born in 1904, invented by Hani Motoko who wanted to find a way to save money. This is because most women in that era were not allowed to work outside the home. Kakebo is another tool that helps housewives manage their family’s income and expenses better.

We’ll start saving with kakebo easily with these 4 steps.

  1. Survey your remaining income each month.

Many people may be wondering about this kakebo method. How is it different from other forms of income and expenditure? I would like to say that they are different. ‘There must be honesty in recording income and expenses’

Because the problem of most people who fail to save is There is no clear plan and lack of consistency. To start making a household account book

The method is to write everything out as in 1 month ago How much income do we have? What do you spend on? How much is it?

Subtract income from regular expenses. You will get the remaining amount after deducting expenses.

Calculation formula: Monthly income – Regular expenses = Discretionary Income

  1. Set a goal for saving money

Set a goal for yourself. How much money do you want to save? By evaluating from the remaining money In the beginning, you may start with a small amount of money first. Then gradually increase the amount. But you shouldn’t be too stressed about setting goals. You should find motivation to save, such as giving yourself rewards. When reaching the savings goal, etc.

It focuses on you saving a small amount of money every day. Instead of collecting large amounts of money from time to time

  1. List your expenses this month.

Write down all expenses spent this month. Separated into 4 categories as follows:

  1. Expenses that must be paid for living, such as housing and food.
  2. unnecessary expenses It can be there or not, like going out to eat. have new clothes Going on vacation, hobbies
  3. Entertainment expenses such as books, movies, concerts, and streaming subscriptions
  4. Expenses for unexpected events such as medical bills, car repairs
  1. Review expenses for improvement in the next month.

Review expenses To improve savings methods for the next month The key to reviewing expenses is to allow us to review and develop ourselves.

Benefits of Kakebo

  1. Helps us to be more careful in spending. Practice prudence Makes you have more money to save.
  1. Can control spending more easily and gives us clear goals Helps build a disciplined person.
  1. got to know myself From practicing self-reflection in recording income-expenses. and never stop developing





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