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Monday, May 6, 2024

Foreigner looking to invest in a business with a local Thailand business owner, advice requested

I hope this doesn’t upset everyone but thought this would be a good start. I did do some basic research online but need to consult with a proper lawyer, if you have one to recommend, I’d be grateful!

Long story short, I have a friend in Thailand who I have known many years. Her and her family owns multiple businesses in Thailand that includes real estate (apartment rentals and hostels), boba shops, food stalls, etc. largely catering to tourists. They’re rebuilding quickly to cater to the new tourist crowds after COVID. In conversation it came up if I wanted to invest in a massage business they’re expanding, and no, it’s not those massage places. Very legit and I’ve been to one of their past locations, they have 2 now and expanding.

It is my understanding I can own if I have 49% ownership or less, without a visa. However, I don’t know if the legalities and process would be the same as my home country, USA. Do I need to get a lawyer in the states and Thailand? How will taxes work? Etc. Anyone with experience, I’d love to hear from you in all ways

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