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Saturday, May 4, 2024

First time visiting Bangkok by myself. Went to the strip club (soi cowboy) and they beat me up

Warning: Long story

Hello, this happened last night. I am traveling alone and always wanted to visit bangkok because I heard all the stories. So I finally bought a plane ticket and came here and it’s a nice city!

But I’ve seen the crazy soi cowboy videos on Instagram and Reddit before and thought that’s crazy! so I finally decided to drink a few beers and check it out myself. I walked through the narrow street and some strippers grabbed me and brought me inside.

I’m thinking FREE entry? wow there’s usually a cover fee in USA. This is great. But about 20 min into it, I had a very off feeling. I think those drinks that keep coming to the table are going to
have to come out of my expense even though i didn’t exactly consent to order them. So I told them I wanted to leave.

So the person brings me the bill and they are charging me 4,300 baht for 14 drinks. I know for a fact I only specifically ordered maybe 6 drinks maximum. I did not order 14 drinks and
I realized I was just tourist trapped. So why do people go to soi cowboy? I don’t mind spending money but you can’t charge someone for things they didn’t order. Am I the only one naive enough to get scammed?

Most people do the safe thing and just cough up the money to avoid any trouble. I probably would have done the same but unfortunately, I didn’t even have 4,300 baht.

So about seven security guards held me down at the table and refused to let me leave and punched me in the face, head, the strippers slapped me. even choked me out a few times asking me to pay up.

I managed to get out into the street somehow I don’t remember how because I wasn’t sober and got the wind knocked out of me. They then continue holding me down and beating me up on the street. I eventually ended up in the hospital.

The most messed up thing is that once I got out on the street, I thought surely, someone would come to my aid. but just 30 bystanders watching or recording on their phone. (Philosophical tangent: men get beat up in public, women only get beat up in private, ya’ll can ponder that one). there is video footage somewhere of my swollen bleeding face because I remember looking directly at a camera at some point. The optimist in me believes she was doing it as video evidence because what was happening was not right.

But the pessimist in me knows she recorded just cause it would make a good video.

I obviously have physical injuries but they will heal. but I don’t know if I will ever be the same person again after this.

TLDR; I didn’t have enough money to pay strip club bill (but I knew how much I had, so I only ordered what I could pay). But they charged me for stuff I didn’t order. I don’t have enough money to pay so the security guards rearranged my face.

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