37.1 C
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

First power bill at condo, confused

Hello all,

I moved into a condo on the 17th of May and I just got the first power bill. The meter reading from the 31st of May indicates that I used 702 units for a total cost of 3790 baht. That…seems a little excessive considering I was shutting off the AC whenever I left, trying to conserve power where I could, and not having been in the place for the full month.

My Thai friend took a look at it and said the bill is in some Japanese person’s name (which isn’t the name of the landlady I’m paying rent to) so I’m a little confused. Am I getting the bill for the previous tenant perhaps? How should I handle this?

Apologies if this is a dumb question, I’ve tried poking around and wasn’t having much luck finding a clear answer.

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