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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Feelings of isolation post-stroke can cause depression

DEAR DOCTORS: My husband had a stroke at work last spring. His colleagues recognised the symptoms and called an ambulance right away. He spent time in the hospital and is doing physical therapy. He’s a lot better physically — but lately, he’s depressed. Why does that happen? My kids and I are so worried about him.

DEAR READER: A stroke occurs when the normal flow of blood in the brain is interrupted. When this is due to a blockage, it is called an ischemic stroke. A stroke can also result from bleeding in the brain; this is a haemorrhagic stroke.

Any type of stroke is a medical emergency. Even a brief disruption of blood flow to the brain can starve the tissues of oxygen and nutrients. This can cause brain damage, long-term physical and mental disability or even death. The quick response by your husband’s colleagues improved his chances at a successful recovery.


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