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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Email etiquette to make a good impression


I am a very early beginner in Thai language and not at all confident.

I am writing an email to an important person, it is of a professional nature but not a business contact and I am not sure the exact name of who will be the appropriate person to respond to my email as it will go to a general inbox.

Part of the email references my start of learning the language and hope to continue. The email is in English which is acceptable where it is being sent, but I thought it might be a nice touch to include a very brief attempt at Thai language at the start or conclusion. I thought “Sawasdee” at the start or the end might be appropriate but I am not at all sure.

Grateful for advice if this might be appropriate at the start or end or whether this type of inclusion for a person who clearly only speaks English fluently would be looked upon positively or just a lame attempt :( I think it may be relevant as part of the email relates to my interest in the culture and aim to learn the language but I am no expert in this type of thing..

In addition, is it appropriate to address the email “To Whom It May Concern” in Thailand because Im not sure exactly who it will go to.

I am such a beginner that Im not sure if it is relevant to any of the above queries on language greetings that I am female.

Many thanks!

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