34.2 C
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Electricity Bills

What is happening to electricity bills?

My monthly bill has been consistently between 1850 and 1860 but suddenly last month April, it jumped to 2670 despite my usual attempts to keep it around the same amount even when the temperatures are higher; e.g., using a fan more often than AC.

I went to the electricity company and they just said because it is hotter this year. This cannot be the reason for such a drastic increase. Then, they said the prices have gone up.

This past month, I tried even harder than ever to bring down the bill amount (assuming that they were being truthful about the hot weather and increased prices) by not only using a fan more often than AC but also other measures such as shortening my showers that uses the water heater and putting my washing machine on a 400 cycle instead of my usual 600 cycle and generally consuming less electricity.

But guess what? **My last bill for May is even more than April** at 2690 which begs the question if prices are continuing to go up every month or is this just a nationwide madness?

I have talked to neighbors, colleagues, friends, and occasionally strangers when I get the chance, and it seems like it is everywhere, even a family friend in Udon Thani told me her household bill was always around 1400 but April it was 2000 and May 2050 baht…

What’s going on?

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