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Dracula…blood tears… Science, real and imaginary!

Revealing the legend of Count Dracula, the vampire with the story of science proves “Prince Vlad” the stabber with tears of blood #Believe, think and act scientifically…

August 8, 2023, Research Group of the American Chemical Society (American Chemical Society) published in the journal Analytical Chemistry results of a letter study ofPrince Vlad III (Vlad III) known and understood as Count Dracula The vampire prince sucks the blood of the living. for immortality It was discovered that Prince Vlad III may have suffered from severe skin and respiratory diseases and blood. To the point where there may be tears that turn into blood.

“Believe, think and act scientifically” Today we would like to take the readers to follow the story of Prince Dracula which is making famous news in the science circle today. and go unravel the mysterious story In the part that is true and part is imagination To find out why Dracula is “Immortal Zombie” that there is still no sign of “Really died.”

Science proves Prince Vlad the Impaled tears turn into blood.

Vlad III Be a real person and has a history that makes it known as “Prince Vlad the Impaler” Or the actual fifteenth-century “Prince Vlad the Impaler”!

Prince Vlad III is the son ofKing Vlad Drakul (Vlad Dracule) of Wallachia (Wallachia), which is currently part of Romania.

In that era The Ottoman Empire was very powerful, and Wallachia was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Prince Vlad III Became king in place of King Vlad Drakul and fought vigorously against the Ottoman army of the Ottoman Empire.

Prince Vlad III’s famous cruelty that is recorded in history is the impalement (killing) of an ambassador from the Ottomans who was sent to warn (force) Wallachia to be loyal to the Ottomans.

There is mention of the number of victims. “Plug in” by Prince Vlad III, more than 80,000 people, but in the end, Prince or King Vlad III He died in a battle with the Turks in 1475 or 1476 when he was only 45 or 46 years old.

The nickname
The nickname “Slut”

In the proof of the research team of the American Chemical Society The researchers used a method to search for proteins and different molecules. from letter threeEdition of Prince Vlad III Using a special plastic film called EVA (EVA: Ethylene Vnyl Acetate) which does not damage the original letter.

Then, mass spectrometry was used to analyze the thousands of peptides obtained. Then it was extracted to only 16 proteins, the oldest from the letter. And therefore it is very likely that It will really come from the identity of Prince Vlad III.

From the overall analysis Make the research team aware of the environment Including the issue of illnesses that existed in the era. and which Prince Vlad III touched But most importantly, those 16 proteins also provided insight into Prince Vlad III’s health.

Although there is still a question: Molecules and peptides obtained from letters Maybe not all from Prince Vlad III. The researchers did not completely reject the possibility. But the researchers have high confidence that all or most of the 16 proteins found It actually belonged to Prince Vlad III.

And the conclusion from the proteins found is Prince Vlad III has health problems. About the skin Respiratory system and blood To the point of having bloody tears, that is, blood comes out mixed with the tears. which reinforces the connection to the undead vampire Dracula, who sucks the blood of Prince Vlad III.

Bram Stoker and the birth of Dracula

Bram Stoker (Bram Stoker) Irish writer Lived between 1847 and 1912. Wrote the horror novel Dracula, first published in 1897.

Bram Stoker’s Dracula is a literary mystery. Gothic horror of Europe at the end of the eighteenth century It is often a mystery and horror story about supernatural powers and demons. The story opens with the lawyer’s journey. Jonathan Harker (Tonathan Harker) from London To Count Dracula’s castle in Romania To act as agent for buying a house for Dracula in England near London

Jonathan Harker met withCount Dracula Know that Count Dracula is an undead vampire who must feed on human blood to achieve immortality.

The most important character in Dracula aside from Jonathan Harker And then that is Count Dracula And the important rival who joins Jonathan Harker in fighting Count Dracula is Abraham Van Helsing (Abraham Van Helsing), a Dutch doctor, scientist and philosopher.

In addition to these three important characters, There are other characters. That also plays an important role in the Dracula novel are the women who are victims of Dracula because everyone, when their blood is sucked by Dracula, Will also become a blood-sucking vampire like Count Dracula.

The movie Dracula Untold is a secret legend the world doesn't know.
The movie Dracula Untold is a secret legend the world doesn’t know.

Dracula the Vampire and Prince Vlad the Imperator

The understanding that Prince Vlad the Impaler How did Bram Stoker’s Count Dracula model come about? And is it true?

Straightforward answer And obviously the latter question is not true!

So how did it happen?

Part of this is due to the success of the book Dracula, which has been well received by readers and literary critics. Since the first publication It was 15 years before Stoker left this world.

After Stoker is no longer there. The story of Dracula (Stoker’s) became more widespread. Famous in the industryLiterature and entertainment media especially movies And also the academic world. with the story of Dracula’s origins being delved into

The motives for Stoker’s Dracula to be linked to the story of Prince Vlad the Impaler are many, such as:-

*Prince Vlad the Impaler Being of royal family Dracul (Dracule) is the second son ofKing Vlad II or Vlad Dracule By the word Dracule of Vlad Dracule means Dragon is a dragon.

*Stoker’s Count Dracula has a history of being a warrior in the wars with the Turks. Just like Prince Vlad the Impaler.

*Basic story of birth in or about Romania

Although Stoker’s Dracula Will not behave like a plugger like Prince Vlad the plugger. But they were linked together without much difficulty.

And then Stoker himself And those close to Stoker? What “facts” have been given about the origin story of the book Dracula?

Of course, the person who knows best is Stoker himself, and everyone else. “Know about it” or “Probably knows about it.” What are the facts? But it’s not loud enough for everyone to hear. If you go in the industry you will hear it.

Stoker himself actually made his own notes for writing Dracula.

Unfortunately, after Stoker’s passing, His wife also sold Stoker’s records. and seemed to have disappeared from the industry for as long as 60 years

So since Stoker’s departure It arrived at the end of the twentieth century. The story of Dracula (Stoker’s) is therefore a matter of research, study, and speculation. The overall picture is clearly summarized. Impaling Prince Vlad became the prototype of Dracula’s origins (Stoker’s)

especially The book that points out most clearly that Prince Vlad the Impaler Stoker’s model for Dracula is In Search of Dracula by Raymond T. McNally (Raymond T. McNally) andRadu Florescu (Radu Florescu) published in 1972

Raymond T. McNally is a professor of history at Boston University, USA, specializing in Gothic horror and mystery literature. Radu Florescu is also a professor of history at Boston University. especially Radu Florescu Be a Romanian This gives the book In Search of Dracula even more credibility.

But in the same year that the book In Search of Dracula was published, that is, 1972. Stoker’s Dracula Diary was discovered at the Rosenback Museum & Library in Piladeltia. The story of Stoker’s origins and motivation for writing Dracula has been revealed. Which summarizes the answers to the most interesting issues: Prince Vlad the Impaler It is not the model for Stoker’s Dracula.

The origin and meaning of the name Dracula

As for the origin of the name Dracula, which is synonymous with the Dracula dynasty of Prince Vlad the Imperfect?

The answer is the word Dracul in Romanian In addition to meaning “dragon”, it also means “Devil” or “bogey” You can also.

Stoker’s Dracula Therefore it does not mean “Dragon King” but means “The Demon Lord” more than

The question is, why did Stoker choose Romania as the setting for his book? And there is a history of the story of Count Dracula about the war with the Ottoman army of the Ottoman Empire.

The answer is that Stoker liked the atmosphere and history of old Romania that “suited” the Count Dracula story he intended to write.

However, the conclusions of these Stoker’s answers do not actually come from Stoker himself. Although his record of writing Dracula will be important evidence But it doesn’t have all the details.

Therefore, for academic circles that study the history of Dracula in general. It is as the author has briefly summarized. In the end, Prince Vlad is a fool. It is not the model for Stoker’s Dracula.

But there are also academics. In particular, both Raymond T. McNally and Radu Florescu, who had studied Stoker’s writings on Dracula, continued to study and write books about Dracula together. There have been many more books, such as Dracula, Prince of Many Faces (Dracula, Prince of Many Faces), first published in 1989.

Van Helsing in the movie world
Van Helsing in the movie world

Dracula and Immortality!

It has been 129 years since Stoker’s Dracula. appeared in the form of a book and especially Appearance of Dracula Including stories of important characters about Dracula on the silver screen Dracula is also a vampire. The most famous zombie comparable toFrankenstein Zombie (Frankenstein) of Mary Shelley (Mary Shelley) who debuted (book) 79 years before Dracula.

*RomaniaIt has become a big tourist attraction in Europe, earning the name “Land of Dracula”

*Bran Castle (Bran Castle) The real thing in the city of Bran. Central Romania It has become Romania’s most famous tourist attraction, known as the “Count Dracula’s Castle”

*More than 80 films have been made about Dracula, the latest being Renfield, released in April 2023. Nicholas Cage Playing the role of Dracula Renfield Dracula’s servant

Dracula is therefore still the most famous zombie vampire. and is likely to be “immortal” for a long time

Nicolas Cage plays Dracula in the movie Renfield.
Nicolas Cage plays Dracula in the movie Renfield.

From Dracula to Tarzan and the Conqueror of the Ten Directions

The author has read many books and seen many movies about Dracula. (But far from all of the more than 80 stories) the most memorable is Dracula, who played the role of Christopher Lee has Peter Cushing. Playing the role of Dracula’s rival. Van Helsing

From reading and watching “skin” Dracula for the author as someone who likes to write books. One thing that writers will remember is that Bram Stoker created a work of writing that has become “Classic” How is it known all over the world?

Then the writer thought of Edgar Rice Burroughs (Edgar Rice Burroughs) and “Ya Khob”

Edgar Rice Burroughs as the author “Tarzan”

“Yabob” as the author “Winner of the Ten Directions”

One common denominator that the author clearly thinks of is the three writers. Write a timeless story From imagining the scenes and stories that are in “imagination” is important

*Bram Stoker writes to Romania without having ever experienced Romania myself.

*Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote about Africa. without ever having been to Africa before

*Yakob writes stories about Burma. without ever having been to Burma

But all three writers I didn’t use all my imagination. For the scenes and stories written Especially the “precursor” of immortal works.

*Bram Stoker Never been to Romania But there were friends with experience and Bram Stoker himself took care to study all the elements. Be it characters, places, atmosphere, etc.

*Edgar Rice Burroughs Never been to Africa But I intend to write about strange places and stories. For general readers including the writer himself, thus creating “Africa” in their own imagination Which is not 100% imagination because he tried. “study” About Africa as much as one can find

* “Ya Khob” Write the winner of the Ten Directions It is a collection of 8 long hardcover volumes. It took 8 years to write and it is still not finished because “Ya Khob” Ending life before the winner’s story is complete, where “Ya Khob” or Choti Phraephan I’ve never been to Burma, but I can tell you where the story came from. Inspired by “The True History of Burma, 8 Lines” and then write “Fake Burmese Chronicles” To entertain the emotions of the readers, and the readers were really “entertained” until “The Winner of the Ten Directions” was praised as one of the best literary works of Thailand.

In lectures and training in writing science fiction, another (not) secret tip. which the author gave to “Want to write” Regular science fiction stories are:-

Read (science fiction) a lot, use your imagination to the fullest, and use “imagination” and “creativity” to write (science fiction) that no one has ever written before.

Dracula Tarzan, Conqueror of the Ten Directions It’s definitely not science fiction. But all three stories are a form of “Fantasy literature” and the author considers that All three stories is a good example of using “imagination” and “New idea” for creating works “Creative and new” very well

And what do you think, readers?


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