31.5 C
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Does anyone have mold issues with their homes in Phuket?

We rent a house with a stand alone guesthouse. The main house is fine, but with the guesthouse we have serious issues with mildewy smell when it’s closed up, and after it rains and mold is appearing. The owners did some work on it and found no water damage on ceiling but determined it’s coming up from floor. After strong rains we get small pools of water. The shelf we just installed had mold growing on it after a few weeks. Any idea what we can do, or is there no hope?

The owners offered to demolish it for small reduction in rent (5,000 baht) or we can break lease and move out. We prefer to stay and keep the guest house if possible!

By the way, on a sunny day and windows open /fan running there is no smell in there.

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