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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Difference between Thai CV and UK CV?


I’m helping my mum write her CV for this retail job in Thailand (she’s Thai) and just from initial research, there seems to be a big difference between a Thai CV and UK CV (which I’m more familiar with as I’m a uni student there). However, there’s some conflicting information on what should be included and want to get some other perspectives.


* My mum had some retail experience for a few years before having me, but she has been a full time mother since, and now she is looking to get back into the workforce
* I saw this website wrote that picture, age, sex, marital status, height, weight, etc. is quite common to see on a Thai CV (this seems very weird to me from a UK perspective, but is this true?)
* If marital status is common, will writing that she is divorced be a detriment to the application? If it isn’t required I’d rather not write it
* If a picture is required, is a typical passport-type headshot the norm?
* Is a profile/summary common to have at the beginning of a CV?
* Is a cover letter necessary for many retail jobs?


Would very much appreciate responses/insights from your own experiences working in Thailand.

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