37.4 C
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Chiang Mai restaurant suggestion list (to share)

I’ve been compiling a document for my own use to recommend restaurants to myself to try when I get to CM soon. I ended up spending a few hours on it, so I feel like I should offer it for other people to use if they might find it helpful.

It has nearly 100 restaurants on it, and for most of them I wrote notes to remind me what they’re about and kind of give a little “textual thumbnail.” I compiled it by looking at Google maps and finding the places that looked good to me based on the photos of the food and the places and their menus. It’s broken down into sub-districts and areas. Keep in mind that these are places that look special to me based on the information, but I haven’t been to any of them yet. So it’s not a list of reviews or recommendations, just places that look totally worth it to go try.

I hope it helps some of you out there… I know it’s going to help me. I figure it’ll keep me busy trying new places for many months.


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