33.1 C
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Best way to bulk up on Thai food?

Hi everyone,

I’ve recently moved to the North of Thailand and started working out (Muay Thai and another sport for cardio). Since I do not have a big appetite in this climate and am quite thin, I unfortunately have lost a noticeable amount of weight. I have already struggled with my weight and nutrition before moving to Thailand and was advised by my GP back then to eat more meat and fish like salmon. I also want build up muscle mass and know that I should consume much more protein and calories than I currently do.

I would like to ask for advice on how to adjust my diet here to fit these goals. I mostly eat Thai food and buy from food stalls and local restaurants since I do not have a kitchen (I do use a rice cooker and small stovetop). It would be great to get recommendations of which local Thai dishes are high in protein/calories and helpful to bulk up, so I can compile a list. I would like tips on both animal and vegetable sourced protein, because I don’t feel like eating meat every single day. Recommendations for drinks, snacks and desserts are also very much appreciated! If anyone has advice on how to increase my appetite here I would be grateful to hear it.

Writing this post while struggling to finish my catfish stir fry with rice for lunch and crispy pork belly on the side, after a breakfast of fruits + joghurt and some sips of a protein shake. 😬😅

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