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Friday, May 10, 2024

Bangkok Post-Songkran

Hey everyone,
I have a trip planned to Thailand on April 23rd for around 19 nights with two friends, so roughly just over a week after Songkran (which I can’t attend due to holiday availability at work). I’m still in the process of organising the trip and the flight paths between different cities, Bangkok being one of them. Based on what I’ve read, I hear that Bangkok clears out for Songkran as most people go back to their home towns, however, I haven’t been able to find out when everyone returns and Bangkok returns to normality. I’ve been Thailand a number of times but my two friends haven’t, and I’d like them to experience “normal” Bangkok, if that makes sense. I love the city and think it’s best when it’s bustling and options aren’t limited. When do you think would be a good time to go Bangkok? Would going there first be okay or would it be better going elsewhere first e.g. Phuket, then Bangkok right at the end of the month? Thanks.

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